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    Funding for APCs

    Many institutions and research funders provide funds to support open access publications by their staff. Therefore, we ask that you contact them to cover the APC.

    If you do not know about your institution’s or your funder’s policy on open access funding, please contact your departmental/faculty/grant administrators and institution library, as funds may be available to you.

    Several other foundations, institutes, societies and associations offer publication grants (not exclusive to Open Access) based on subject relevance. Here are a few of them relevant to history, archaeology and material preservation and conservation.

    This is not a comprehensive list. There are a lot of other opportunities around.

    This list is updated every June and December.

    Association for German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland

    Association for Industrial Archaeology

    Association for the Study and Conservation of Roman Mosaics

    Canada - UK foundation

    Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange

    City of London Archaeological Trust

    College Art Association

    Design History Society

    Fonds de recherche, Quebec

    Fortress Study Group

    Henry Moore Foundation

    Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire

    INSTAP - The Institute for Aegean Prehistory

    Institute of Historical Research

    Marc Fitch Fund

    Pasold Research Fund

    Paul Mellon Centre

    Printing Historical Society

    Society of Architectural Historians of Britain

    Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology

    Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies

    For a list of universities that provide funds,please, see http://oad.simmons.edu/oadwiki/OA_journal_funds. Although this is a volunteer maintained wiki, it currently is the most comprehensive list. However, institutions that do not appear here might also have open access funds.

    Page last updated August 7th, 2018.