Digital technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for organizations to realize efficiency gains and explore new lines of business.
This collection of corporate narratives assembles best practice cases of companies that have successfully managed to implement and leverage these innovations. Ten distinct use cases focus on three disruptive technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and Robotic Process Automation. Interviews with practitioners address hurdles they encountered, and ways how to gain strategic support of key stakeholders within the organization.
Based on their aggregated experience, this book provides a roadmap for executives how to become agents of change and implement digital transformation in their organizations.
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Civil society has become an indispensable part of the global discourses on democratization, good governance, sustainable development, and security. This paper examines the ways in which civil society actions contribute to Security Sector Governance and Reform (SSG/R) and Sustainable Development Goal-16 (SDG-16). Civil society groups perform three major roles in the Global South: an agent of democratic accountability and civilian oversight; a space for new discourses on security and development; and an alternative provider of people-oriented security.
Book DetailsJames Hamilton, 1st duke of Hamilton (1606-1649) was King Charles I’s chief Scottish minister during the Civil Wars. He was intimately involved in the cultural, political and military events of his time – the Thirty Years War, the Covenanter Revolutions, the English Civil Wars and the Irish Rebellion. He was executed in 1649, a few months after Charles I met the same fate. The survival of his archive allows us a unique view of these momentous events in British History.
Book DetailsA broadly interdisciplinary volume exploring the tension between the materiality of cultural heritage artifacts and the intangible aspects of digital methods. Academics and cultural heritage practitioners address important ethical and methodological debates in Digital Cultural Heritage, questions in sustainability and accessibility of digital representations, pedagogical and public engagement, and the role of digital tools in the movements of decolonization and restitution.
Book DetailsHow does the nexus between security, human rights and good governance play out in the sustainable development context? The book offers the first comprehensive account of the role of ombuds institutions in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Leaving no one behind, leaving no one unaccountable takes the specific angle by looking at SDG-16, devoted to effective, accountable and inclusive institutions, through the lens of security sector governance.
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The legal opinion was developed in the context of the "XSample" project funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg. The aim of the project was to examine the copyright possibilities in research with text and data mining. The content of this expert opinion is the legal assessment of the copyright relevance of real use cases from the field of digital humanities as well as the analysis of the permission of the individual work steps.
Das Rechtsgutachten ist im Kontext des Ministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg geförderten Projektes “XSample” entstanden. Ziel des Projektes war es, die urheberrechtlichen Möglichkeiten bei der Forschung mit Text- und Data-Mining zu prüfen. Inhalt dieses Gutachtens ist die rechtliche Beurteilung der urheberrechtlichen Relevanz realer Anwendungsfälle aus dem Bereich der digitalen Geisteswissenschaften sowie die Analyse der Erlaubnis der einzelnen Arbeitsschritte.
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“Sharing economy” and “collaborative economy” refer to a proliferation of initiatives, business models, digital platforms and forms of work that characterise contemporary life. How do they emerge and develop? How do they affect people and communities?
This book contributes to in-depth ethnographic research to make sense of the collaborative economy. It stems from a unique effort to capture the complexities of the collaborative economy in Europe, and reflects on the opportunities and challenges of approaching such multifaceted phenomenon through an ethnographic lens.
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This book explores the potential of computational analysis of written text in understanding the relationship between humans and the environment. It introduces interdisciplinary research questions and methods for text analysis, illustrated through a rich set of case studies.
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The UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 calls for the establishment of peaceful, just and inclusive societies. The security sector can either contribute to or detract from SDG16 and parliaments play a role in directing the sector’s impact. The Covid-19 pandemic affected parliamentary operations globally during a time of increased security force utilisation in response to the pandemic. This study reviews the use of the security sector in South Africa, the Philippines and the UK during the first year of the pandemic as well as parliamentary responses. To ensure security sector contribution to SDG16, the study identifies the need for rapid parliamentary reaction to security sector utilisation, especially in cases of extraordinary deployments.
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In a world where information has never been so accessible, we are hungrier for the facts than ever before. And yet, strict paywalls put in place by multi-billion dollar publishing houses are still preventing millions from accessing quality, scientific knowledge.
On 4 September 2018, a bold new initiative known as ‘Plan S’ was unveiled, kickstarting a global shift in attitudes towards open access research. For the first time, funding agencies across continents joined forces to impose new rules on the publication of research, with the aim of one day making all research free and available to all.
Here, the scheme’s founder, Robert-Jan Smits, makes a compelling case for Open Access, and reveals for the first time how he set about turning his controversial plan into reality – as well as some of the challenges faced along the way.
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